Friday, April 13, 2012

Healthy Food

Here's what I made for mummy and mine's breakfast a couple of days ago. Kale and eggs, and brocolli and greenbeans. Hahaha Then we had peaches as you can see in those little cups. :) It was actually VERY good. :D  

Then, right now I just made lunch.
Kale and Kelp steamed. Then topped with cooked onions and beef. Carrots on the side. It tastes AMAZING! Eating healthy isn't too bad. :p

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

If at first you don't succeed...

...try, try again! And so I am. I got out my drawing stuff and set to work this evening on a little rough draft drawing. I'd forgotten how much I love to draw. Sitting down for some quiet time and drawing. Imagining a story to go along with the artwork.

In this drawing the horse hears a familiar sound, his rider coming up to the road. The animal perks his ears and waits for his beloved human to appear from behind the tree. A red-winged blackbird sings out it's song and a whinny sounds from a neighboring pasture. The cool crisp mountain air smells of the distant pines that border the horizon.

Hahaha, wow. Idk where THAT all came from but anywho!! A picture - what my evening has consisted of.

Trapper Boone

Me and My Boy