Well, folks! Here are the pictures I promised a while back of our new place. :) I did a lot of cleaning today and thought it'd be the perfect time to snap some shots while everything looks so spiffy. Hope you like! :D
Not exactly the best lighting but good enough to see the front of the place! Pink. Not a fan of the color but this house pulls it off beautifully.
Here's the lovely view from our front drive. :)
Shall we go inside...?
Opening the door, this is the first glance. Again the lighting was horrible, but I figured I should post this so you can get an idea of where stuff is compared. :)
The entryway is decorated with a few of moms treasured baskets. This picture was taken from the front door.
And so the entryway looks into the dining room. :)
One more veiw - from the kitchen.
So then from the dining room into the kitchen - my favorite room in the entire house! This kitchen is AMAZING! I love cooking and baking here.
Ok, so joined with the kitchen is our little casual dining room, this is where we usually eat dinner. :)
It's screaming for a different table cloth but oh well, I already took the picture. :p
From this little dining room place we go to the "formal" sitting room.
This is the view from the "big" dining room.
From the fire place looking back at the kitchen. :)
So, that's all for now. Next time will be bedrooms, bathrooms and our less formal living room! :)