Friday, December 16, 2011

My Dream

I have had many dreams in my nineteen years. I've wanted to be so many different things. Every day or so my dreams would change. Well, my latest dream seems extra bizarre.

I wanna see HIM^ up close. I want to rescue mistreated elephants. After much research on different types of Elephantidia, I have fallen in love. There's the African Elephant...

A Few Facts:

1. They are the heaviest land animal in the Animal Kingdom
2. They can reach up to 14 feet tall and weigh in at 6-7 tons
3. Their trunks are usually about 5 feet long and can pick up as much as 600 pounds. The tip has two finger-like tips.
4. Their tusks can grow up to 8 feet long, and weight over a 130 pounds
5. Besides their tusks they have four molars in their mouths, two on top, two on the bottom. They are replaced seven times during an elephant's life time
6. They can consume 220-660 pounds of food a day, and 50 gallons of water
7. Their skin is about 2 1/2 inches thick
8. Babies average 3 feet tall and about 250 pounds at birth 
9. Elephants gather in herds of 200-1,000
10. Life span is usually up to 50 years


And then we have the Asian Elephant...

Asian Elephants are similar to the African ones. They are a bit smaller and their ears are...well, quite noticeably smaller. Only the males have visible tusks, and their trunks have only one finger-like tip.

See? Aren't they neat animals! And I've only told you the basic facts. There's so much more to these amazing creatures. They are sweet. Wait... what? Elephants sweet? YES!! "Elephants are like humans; if you love them, they will love you back." -An Elephant Whisperer. 

The other day I saw a video about these elephant whisperers who care for orphaned baby elephants. It was just so precious...I just loved it to pieces!!!! :p Haha! I have so much more to say about them but I think it will have to wait until a Part 2 post, ok? Stay tuned!! 


  1. LOL!!!! how random!!! haha i can always count on you to be random! those were some cool facts about them for sure!!! ps i love the top pic of your boots!!!

  2. Hahaha! Ah, Han. I love you. :) I dream big.. :p

  3. for sure big!!! =D love you too!!!
