Monday, July 9, 2012

The Epic Sunday Adventure

Yesterday I swam in melted snow. Ok, so maybe it wasn't quite deep enough to actually SWIM in...but at several times I was fully emerged from neck to toe. Rebekah Peris and Charity Caldwell were with me and apparently our shrieks were heard clear down at  the Annex. 

After church, we decided to brave the icy water. There's a swimming hole that we braved first. All three of us holding hands in case one got swept down the river. The current in some places is super strong and to be honest. The idea of being swept down the creek really scares me. The hidden rocks and sharp sticks. OWCH!! Hehehe! :)

Anyways. After we got used to the icy water we climbed/waded up stream in search of another swimming hole. We found one place that was like a jacuzzi. The current is not quite as strong and the way the water falls makes thousands of bubbles. So it's like waist deep (on me) and full of bubbles. Pretty cool. :D

Anyways. After we finished at the creek Charity had to go home. :( I was very sad cause over this weekend past, I got to know her alot more and let me tell ya...She's AHHHHMAZING! Seriously. Fun, prankster, sweet. Yeah. She's pulled several pranks on me. From putting "snow" from the freezer down my back, to asking me if the caramel smelled weird on the spactula. When I went to smell it she pushed it up into my face and yeah. I'm thinking of revenge stratigies. ;)

So, after Charity left. Rebekah and I got changed then went to lay out on the big hill behind the Chapel. I fell asleep. It was so niiiiice! There's a tiny creek that runs behind it and I could hear it as I drifted off. A woodpecker was off to my right and a bee was buzzing around me. Prolly in search of the clover that grow there. Anyways. After my quick nap. Rebekah and I picked some wild cherries and then went in search of some Salmon Berries. They were both SO yummy. :)

Anyways, yesterday was relaxing. After a busy weekend is was nice to just rest and hang out. :)


  1. Sounds like you are having fun :) see you in 3 weeks :)

  2. WOW!!!! that sounds like id freeze my rear end off!!!! man!!!! im cold just thinkin about it! but it does kinda sound fun... and ida prolly been in there with yall screamin my head off too! =)
    I miss you.... ='( and i wish i could hear from you more often..... =/ are you home sick at all? or are you too busy to think about that? OR is it to soon to know? am i asking too many questions? XD
    I love you lots!!!!! Been thinkin about you lots too!!!
    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxx hehehe i snuck 2 kisses there at the end! =)

    love ya!
