Monday, September 3, 2012

Decorative Pillows

Here's a few options: (Just keep the colors in mind)


  1. I like the black with the big white flower the best. I like how it's simple, elegant and fun. :) in my humble opinion

  2. the last is my favorite! so fun!! (in fact, Ima steal your idea and make one myself. bwahaha.) ;)

  3. I think I like the big flower one the best, but the flip flops are cuuuute and the pokadot one is too... If you're doing it for decorative pillows for the bed, I'd do two long dotted pillows, one large flower pillow, and a pair of flip flops. :D

  4. I like the last two!
    I can't decide which one I like better.
    I can't wait to see how your room turns out when you are completely finished! ;-)
