Saturday, April 27, 2013

It Must've Been Angels

Behold, I give unto you power to
tread on serpents and scorpians,
and over all the power of the enemy:
and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Luke 10:19

My mom's pretty brave if you ask me, cause if I had had the same experience she had this afternoon - I would have fainted dead....and I'm not even joking.

Our new house has been great, its beautiful and nice to be away from the business of town. We enjoy the nature and wildlife that surrounds us. Bob White Quail, various songbirds, pretty yellow flowers that grow by the road and even owls at one point! It's all interesting but there are a few creatures that lurk about and we were not prepared to face. Up close and personal.

I was in the kitchen, rummaging up something to eat. Trapper was beside me listening to my chatter as I told him a bunch of random stuff....ok actually he was prolly just hoping for a handout! ;)
So mom was in the back yard repotting some plants, and all of a sudden I heard a yell. I ran to go out the garage door and see what had happened but it was shut, so my next plan was to run out the back door. I could still hear yells and was really worried but as I went to the back door I could hear wild pounding on the front door! I ran and opened it up to find my mom hysterical. She ran inside and locked the door behind her gasping over and over, "Oh!! It was huge, it was huge!! Oh, oh, oh!" I was really curious what on earth she had seen!! Then in little bits and pieces it came out.

She'd been minding her own business and out of the corner of her eye she saw something slithering through the grass. At first she figured it was a Black Racer but with a second glance she realized it wasn't. No, rather it was a HUGE Eastern Diamond Back Rattler! She says he was about 6 feet long and less than three feet away from her. Of course she was terrified and jumped up. He took this as a threat and coiled. She said he raised up and set his rattlers going... *shiver* She screamed and ran, terrified that I would run out the back door to find her and run into the snake myself. Thank God I didn't cause like I said earlier....I would have fainted dead.

We are all thankful the Lord kept mom safe. Mom said maybe her angel was standing there keeping the monster from striking. I say, "No doubt."

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! That is a miracle!! Thank God for His ever protecting hand!!!
