Saturday, May 18, 2013

5.4.13 (Pt1)

Saturday morning we headed over to my friend Naomi's house so she could join us for a day full of fun!

On the way there we listened to music and enjoyed the beautiful day.

This pretty little arrangment was by the door of the Arvidson's front door, so pretty.

We loaded into the car and set off for our first fun stop of the day!

Salem's Riverfront Carousel

This place is very special to me. When I was little, the carousel was just beginning and
Mom and I could go to the mall to watch carvers turn blocks of wood into beautiful horses.
It's such a charming beautiful place now, I just love it.

This is Big Sky, my very favorite. <3

Of course we couln't go and not ride one or two times, right?

Outside of the caroucel is a beautiful park right on the riverfront.
We had lots of fun playing around and snapping photos.

And that ends part one! Saturday was sooo full I can't fit everything in just one post.
Stay tuned!!


  1. love it! great job on the edits :)

  2. Elena, i like it too, but those pics are from 1 or 2 weeks ago, why not do something newer? anyway, i really liked it though !

  3. i love the pics of the horses!

  4. (pounding fists on computer keyboard) WHERE IS PART TWO?!
