Saturday, September 21, 2013

Birthday Cake!

My niece is turning four today! We are heading to her little party half an hour or so. I made her a birthday cake! :D I always make her cakes. 
Last year she wanted a Hello Kitty cake and then this year when I asked her what she'd like and with a giggle she said, "Uhmmmm....a TIGER!" The first thought that went through my mind was, of all things...a TIGER?? I figured it would be very challenging but it was what she wanted and it was my job to make it happen. 

I stalked Pinterest for a few hours, looking at ideas. Fondant, fondant fondant! Yuck...I my other niece's birthday cake with fondant a few years ago. It was butterflies and the fondant was very UNappetizing and me being the way I am, I had spent hours forming each tiny detail. I was exhausted and NOT about to do it again. 

I finally gave up on Pinterest and brainstormed on my own. I thought, man...tiger stripes in the actual cake cake would be EPIC! I looked it up and it was possible. I was hyped and on a roll of inspiration then. I decided on the inside cake being striped and the outside....well? Here.

I drew out a few safari animals and a "4" on paper. Cut them out and found an epic sugar cookie recipe!
I traced around the paper to cut the dough then after they baked up I made a paint-like frosting and went to town "cookie painting". 
It's quite fun! :D Hahaha.
They turned out pretty good so I set them aside and I tried the tiger cake technique. Worked pretty good....I think. I'll find out for sure tonight when we cut cake slices. :p (So stay tuned for the birthday party pictures!!)

Now with making cakes in the past...they were good but....I have always had frosting issues. They all seemed hard to work with and I really didn't want to deal with that again so again...I checked Pinterest. Chocolate Whipped Buttercream Frosting. Hmm, it sounded good and after looking it over, I decided, yes. I do believe I will try this one.


This frosting is the best frosting in the whole world!!! I'm not even joking. Heavenly texture, phenomenal taste, and a DREAM to work with.
This has become my official chocolate frosting, why try anything else when you have perfection! :D

I'm VERY happy with how this turned out and check out those animal print candles! EPIC!! :D Hahaha, now for taking it and cutting it and tasting it. Wish us luck! ;)


  1. ...and your month of going wheat-free? ... HAHAHAHA ... anyway, you did a FANTASTIC job, I'm proud 'o you :)
